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Collection: Yellow

Yellow Color Crystals: Harnessing the Power of Sunshine

Yellow crystals are revered for their vibrant energy, positivity, and ability to uplift the spirit. At The Indian Hand, we curate a selection of yellow-colored crystals that can illuminate your life with joy and optimism.

Crystals Featured:

  • Citrine: Known as the merchant's stone, Citrine attracts wealth, success, and abundance.
  • Yellow Aventurine: Enhances creativity, optimism, and personal power.
  • Tiger Eye: Promotes courage, confidence, and protection.
  • Golden Pyrite: Attracts prosperity, enhances willpower, and boosts confidence.
  • Sunstone: Brings joy, vitality, and positive energy into your life.

Benefits of Yellow Crystals:

  • Abundance and Prosperity: Citrine and Golden Pyrite are known for their ability to attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Confidence and Strength: Tiger Eye and Sunstone boost courage, confidence, and personal power.
  • Creativity and Optimism: Yellow Aventurine enhances creativity and fosters a positive outlook on life.


  • Place them in your workspace or home to promote abundance and success.
  • Carry them as pocket stones or wear them as jewelry to harness their energies throughout the day.
  • Use them during meditation or manifestation rituals to amplify their beneficial properties.

FAQs about Yellow Crystals:

  1. What is Citrine known for? Citrine is known for its ability to attract wealth, success, and abundance.

  2. How can Tiger Eye help with confidence? Tiger Eye promotes courage, self-confidence, and protection from negative energies.

  3. Is Sunstone good for enhancing creativity? Yes, Sunstone enhances creativity, vitality, and joy, making it ideal for artists and creative individuals.

  4. Which chakra is associated with Yellow Aventurine? Yellow Aventurine primarily resonates with the solar plexus chakra, enhancing personal power and self-confidence.

  5. Where can I buy authentic yellow crystals? You can purchase authentic yellow crystals from trusted sources like The Indian Hand, ensuring genuine healing properties and quality.

Explore our collection of yellow crystals at The Indian Hand and infuse your life with abundance, confidence, and creativity.