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Collection: Lapis Lazuli

About Lapis Lazuli Crystal: Benefits, Uses, and More

Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue gemstone with golden flecks of pyrite throughout, known for its captivating beauty and powerful metaphysical properties. This stone has been cherished for millennia for its association with royalty, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.

Benefits of Lapis Lazuli Crystal:

  • Inner Wisdom: Lapis Lazuli enhances intellectual ability, stimulates the desire for knowledge, and promotes the quest for truth and understanding.
  • Communication: Facilitates clear and honest communication, making it an excellent stone for resolving conflicts and enhancing relationships.
  • Emotional Healing: Promotes self-awareness, emotional healing, and encourages self-expression by releasing stress and bringing deep peace.
  • Spiritual Growth: Enhances spiritual journey, deepens meditation practices, and awakens psychic abilities by balancing the throat chakra.

Uses of Lapis Lazuli Crystal:

  • Throat Chakra: Place Lapis Lazuli on the throat chakra to stimulate self-expression, articulate thoughts, and speak oneโ€™s truth with clarity and confidence.
  • Intellectual Pursuits: Keep Lapis Lazuli nearby while studying or working on intellectual pursuits to enhance concentration, memory, and critical thinking.
  • Spiritual Awareness: Meditate with Lapis Lazuli to access higher realms of consciousness, connect with spirit guides, and gain insights into spiritual truths.
  • Protection: Wear Lapis Lazuli as jewelry or carry it as a talisman for protection against psychic attacks and negative energies.

FAQs about Lapis Lazuli Crystal:

  • Q: How does Lapis Lazuli benefit spiritual growth? A: Lapis Lazuli enhances spiritual insight, deepens meditation, and stimulates psychic abilities, aiding in spiritual awakening and growth.

  • Q: Can Lapis Lazuli help with communication? A: Yes, Lapis Lazuli promotes clear and honest communication, helping to resolve conflicts and foster harmonious relationships.

  • Q: How should Lapis Lazuli be cleansed and charged? A: Cleanse Lapis Lazuli under lukewarm running water and recharge it under moonlight or with the gentle energy of sunlight to restore its energies.

  • Q: What is Lapis Lazuli's association with royalty and wisdom? A: Lapis Lazuli has been historically prized for its deep blue color and golden flecks, symbolizing royalty, wisdom, and truth.

  • Q: Can Lapis Lazuli be used for emotional healing? A: Yes, Lapis Lazuli promotes emotional healing by releasing stress, bringing inner peace, and fostering self-awareness and self-expression.

  • Q: Is Lapis Lazuli suitable for enhancing intuition? A: Yes, Lapis Lazuli stimulates intuition, enhances mental clarity, and helps in making decisions based on higher guidance and spiritual insights.

  • Q: What are the different types of Lapis Lazuli? A: Lapis Lazuli comes in various grades, with higher grades featuring deeper blue color and more pronounced golden pyrite inclusions.

  • Q: How does Lapis Lazuli promote peace and tranquility? A: Lapis Lazuli brings deep peace by harmonizing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, fostering inner serenity and calm.